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Very excited. Am going with TMchan and MnTchan on a girl's night out this weekend. We're gonna watch this movie called Black Hawk Down, a war movie that they insist has many cuties.^_^ Originally thought about asking them to bring Enishi along but changed my mind, as he is bound to be very grumpy and will keep on insisting that he is better looking than all of them combined. Not to mention the constant criticism of what he feels are bad strategic moves...Enishi not a very nice movie companion on the whole, but don't tell him that, he might feel a little miffed.

Cooking update: Just learned that the secret to TMchan's birthday carbonara is in the sauce: instant cream of mushroom soup and all purpose cream. These instants are amazing.^_^

Read Enishi's blog. I see he didn't mention the pokemon match. It must have been rather upsetting. Heard him rage about the rarity of darkness energy cards and how it's pointless to use an Umbreon without it. Uh, where did he get the Umbreon?


First of all, gomen nasai minna! Wasn't able to update for the longest time because MnTchan was busy with the site's new layout (Arigatou MnTchan for working so hard on the site!^_^) Even TMchan put off typing her thesis chapters just to get the site up and running, though Enishi insists it's just an excuse to procrastinate.

Speaking of Enishi, he seems to be getting along with our adopters more than he cares to admit.^_^ Found them laughing about The Very Secret Diaries of The Fellowship of the Ring (waaa, Legolas yaoi? I understand Boromir and Aragorn, they're so obvious but Legolas? T_T Must admit the vain characterization was funny, as bishounen do tend to be vain). He's also been going about rearranging furniture (to make the damn place more livable, he says, but I think he just feels at home already ^_^). He turned the porch into a breakfast nook, with a rocking chair and table and chairs. We have breakfast there everyday now. I cook breakfast, of course, as I have started trying to cook with as little help from instants as possible. Breakfast I have down pat (I love pancakes -- must be because its yummy and instant; Enishi likes his bacon crispy.) TMchan says it's admirable that I'm learning to cook, as she can't cook herself, and says that my cooking should not be a source of insecurity. She says it's unfair that women are still expected (even in this day and age) to be able to cook well, on top of all their achievements. And I'm inclined to agree (I spent my whole life doing Kamiya Kasshin Ryu, not cooking, and it's not as if Sano and Yahiko can cook, anyway). 

Am still learning to cook nonetheless, as I don't want to rely on others for food. Especially since I like eating. Would probably do well as a hobbit, since they eat about eleven times a day. Yum yum! Oh, and my hobbit name is Elanor Goldworthy of Michel Delving. TMchan's friend sent her the url of the hobbit name generator, so now we all have hobbit names.^_^

Enishi the cactus is doing fine. I've put it out on the porch, next to Pandora the 2nd, Fuuma, IM Jellybean, and IR Banana, TMchan's cacti. That way, Enishi the cactus won't get lonely and will get more sunlight in the process.

Ja, that's all for now. Tomoyo-chan, TMchan and MnTchan's youngest sister wants to play a round of pokemon. Enishi's refrained from playing since Tomoyo-chan's Elekid knocked out his Mewtwo (er, TMchan's Mewtwo that he was using). He says he's figuring out a new stategy, and has started building his own deck. All to beat a nine-year girl. I find it difficult to blame him, as Tomoyo-chan can be very smug when she wins pokemon matches.


Watched the live finale of this show, Survivor, this afternoon. I don't understand why so many people like this -- what's so entertaining about watching people live in difficult conditions and then vote off the one whom they think is weakest or worthless or strong enough to be a rival? 

Enishi, of course, totally enjoyed it and even thinks they're too soft since they only voted people out. Apparently he's been watching the past few episodes. Hmmmp, he seems to be turning into an AXN fan, watching TV when he could be doing something more useful, though I suppose anything's better than just sitting and staring and thinking about his oneesan. Not that there's anything wrong with his oneesan.

Watched the reunion show on AXN. It's nice to see them get along so well, or better than when they were in Africa, at least. (TM-chan and MnT-chan are raving about Lex's tattoos!^_^)

Enishi is in a foul mood ever since TM-chan and MnT-chan told him that if we were in Survivor I'd have a better chance at winning since I'm much nicer than him.^_^ Although I suppose they said that to get back at Enishi since he told them that if we were there, the only problem he'd have is deciding which of them to vote off first.^^;;

Anyway, I must get going. I'll let Enishi use the laptop now, it might help calm his nerves.


Waiiii!!! Today Enishi said he'd provide the lunch, and guess what we had? No, no, Enishi didn't cook, he says he can't be bothered but I bet it's because he doesn't really know how, so he bought us some burgers. And guess what they came with? LEGOLAS! A little toy and picture, I mean.^_^ He told me he got it so I wouldn't pine over Legolas like TM-chan and MnT-chan do all the time. Wasn't that nice of him?^_^ And he seemed perfectly pleased with his Galadriel.


LORD OF THE RINGS SUGOI!!! (tanoshii!!!)^_^
LEGOLAS KAKKO II!!! (kawaii!!!) ^_^


Cooking's so much easier with all these instants ne?^_^ Enishi and I had nido soup with our lunch and all I had to do was add one egg. I did cook the rice, but the cooker did most of the work.^^;; And there was another ham, done chinese-style...so many christmas hams. That was the last one, I think, so I really should be getting on with my cooking lessons.

Enishi (the cactus) is doing okay. I don't really have to do much, it seems to be surviving pretty well.^_^


ENISHI NO BAAKAAAAAAA!!!! DON'T BELIEVE A WORD HE SAYS!!! [expletives deleted by TM-chan]


Akemashite omedetou minna! Let's hope it's a good one for all of us. Enishi, for one, seemed a lot happier than he was when we first got here. He was grinning the entire time last night and was lighting firecrackers with the rest of the boys. (As for me, I went inside when the noise got too much for me and ate ice cream sundaes and banana muffins and chocolate with the rest of the girls).

My new year's resolution is to practice my cooking. I think I'll start with carbonara.


Went with TM-chan and MnT-chan's family to Baguio for the weekend. Enishi decided to stay behind, he said he had some things to do and it would be nice if he would be left in peace. I think he just wants to catch up on his reading, I saw him holding a book. I think it's about Sleeping Beauty. I didn't think Enishi was the type who liked fairy tales.^^; Oh well, at least it's a change from Tomoe-san's diary.

I just bought the cutest cactus. It's all white and prickly. Guess what it's name's gonna be.^_^


Attended TM-chan and MnT-chan's cousin's wedding. It was all so beautiful. Everybody helped out -- I helped choose the wedding cake (yumyum!) and make the flower arrangements, Enishi helped move some plants, I think. The food was great, even better than TM-chan's birthday and Christmas dinner combined! I can't wait to see the wedding pictures. I wore my new dress!^_^ Enishi insisted on wearing the shirt he got from Bill the Graphics Guy. I wasn't sure it was appropriate for a wedding, but TM-chan and MnT-chan's cousin said it was okay, since everyone was supposed to come in their favorite outfit.

Before everything else, Merry Christmas minna! Hope you're all having as much fun as I am.^_^

I got some really kawaii presents from TM-chan and MnT-chan: new geta and a nice little dress to go with it! I think it's really thoughtful of them, though Enishi says they're bound to borrow them from me pretty soon. Trust Enishi to think of something like that.^^; (And even if they do, it's okay with me really, since I borrow their stuff all the time). I also met Bill the Graphics Guy, who just came back from his vacation. He gave me and TM-chan and MnT-chan a puka shell bracelet; mine's colored pink! I think he gave Enishi a shirt.

Speaking of Enishi, guess where he went yesterday? He went to the mall to buy my present! And guess what I got? A pair of orange and blue pot-holders (he seems to like that color combination) and an apron that says "KISS THE COOK." And when I thanked him for it, he just said that it's about time I got some cooking gear of my own since my cooking's starting to become edible. Does that mean my cooking's improving? (Thank you, microwave)^_^ 

Or maybe Enishi just caught the Christmas bug (finally). He seemed pretty happy with his presents. At least I didn't hear him complain about them. He must've been pretty excited about them too, since he opened his presents way before everyone else. And he didn't go around scaring people out of their minds, not intentionally anyway (I hope TM-chan and MnT-chan's cousin is okay now.)


Woke up late today because I stayed up late wrapping Enishi's gift. I asked TM-chan and MnT-chan to buy my gift for Enishi when they went shopping yesterday. I asked them to buy a pair of shades since Enishi keeps complaining about them getting his shades without permission. And I figure, it's best that he has a spare so he won't be so cranky all the time.

Enishi seems to be really quiet this afternoon, I don't hear any grumblings about being adopted. Maybe his mood is imrpoving. Maybe I should go check on him.

WAAAAAAHHHH!!! WHERE'D HE GO????!!!!!! Oh no, what am I going to tell TM-chan and MnT-chan when they arrive and find out that Enishi is missing?


TM-chan and MnT-chan were so busy shopping for last minute presents I told them not to bother to about lunch. I've learned to use these contraptions called the microwave oven and the rice cooker that make cooking really easy. They also showed me where they kept their secret instant ramen stash. So Enishi and I had a Christmas Ham and Ramen lunch. He even said my cooking tasted okay, heehee.^_^


Enishi and I were adopted today by Tenshimuyo-chan and Maigo no Tenshi-chan. ^_^ It was Tenshimuyo-chan's birthday yesterday so we ate cake and carbonara. Yumyum! I enjoyed it so much I asked for the recipe.

Maigo no Tenshi-chan asked us if we would like to keep a blog for their site. I didn't want to at first, since I don't know anything about computers and stuff.But when she said all we had to do was type in, I thought, well, it wouldn't hurt to have my own blog. That way, people who want to know how I am can just go and read!^_^ 

As usual, Enishi was being such a sourpuss about the whole idea -- he's been cranky ever since we got here -- and if I didn't threaten to whack him with my bokken...but, all's well now, and you can check Enishi's blog by clicking on a link somewhere on this page. (At least that's what Maigo no Tenshi-chan says; like I said, I don't know the first thing about computers) 

That's all for now, I guess. I hear Tenshimuyo-chan calling. We're gonna try on clothes!!! It's so nice when your adopters are the same size you are, and they've got really nice shoes. Ja ne?^_^


