The Enishi & Kaoru Project
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Affiliates: The Sheath :: The Crouching Tiger's Realm

You and I
Chapter 4: This Is War!

by: rembrandt77

A beam of light shone on Enishi's face. Irritated, he rolled over on his other side, trying to escape the light. After five minutes with no success, he decided that he might as well get up. 'Since I probably won't get back to sleep.' He thought angrily. 'Hmmmn, might as well wake up Kaoru so she can make breakfast." Suddenly Enishi's face cringed. "Well come to think of it, maybe I shouldn't- the way she cooks!' He smiled slightly. 'Well I guess I should wake her up anyhow. She's not so bad. I was kind of too soft with her yesterday though. I have to remember to keep my guard up!" He walked out of his room and headed to Kaoru's, but she wasn't there! "Kaoru.... Kaoru where are you?" He checked all of the rooms in the house, fear shook his body. "Did she run away? Did she get hurt? Did someone kidnap her without me knowing!" He ran outside in a flash. "Kaoru!" Then something caught his eye. There lay Kaoru, in a little ball, on the ground. Enishi let out a long sigh and smiled. "Well I feel offended. I give her a decent room, and she decides to sleep outside!" He walked over to her still form, hearing her soft snoring. "Kaoru, wake up." No response. "Kaoru...WAKE UP!" Still no response. Enishi scratched his head. 'This girl won't wake up for anything!" Then an evil smile slowly formed on his face. He ran back into the house, and quickly returned with a bucket of water. Still smiling, he appologised. "Sorry Kaoru." Then he threw the freezing cold water on her.

"AHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!" Kaoru jumped up, soaking wet and shivering. "Enishi! What did you do that for!" She glared at him, not caring that he was twice her size and could easily kill her if she got him mad.

Enishi stared at her amused. What a site to behold! Little Kaoru, soaking wet and glaring coldly at him. "You wouldn't wake up." He stated simply.

That made Kaoru angrier. "Well you didn't have to throw ice cold water on me!!" Her voice got louder with every word. "I'll get you back Yukishiro Enishi! Even if it's the last thing I do." She said matter-of- factly.

Enishi just nodded still amused. "I'm sure you will Kaoru, i'm sure you will." He started walking back into the house when she spoke again.

"I want to fight you."

Enishi stood there, too shocked to say anything- but quickly regained his composure. "As you wish. I'll meet you right here at 5:00...don't be late."

Kaoru nodded, not sure what she had just done. She watched him walked away.

" I'm in for it now"

***12:30 p.m.***

Kaoru just finished taking a shower, and was now dressed in her usual kimono. "I guess I should get ready to fight with Enishi." She said nervously to herself. "I can't believe I said I wanted to fight him! That was so foolish of me! I know I can't beat him, but I guess I have to try." She walked over to the window and started brushing her soft, ebony locks. "It such a beautiful day." She mused. "I might as well go take a walk, and hopefully get my mind off this ridiculous fight." She swiftly walked out of her room, toward the front door.

Enishi watched her leave, and heard everything she said. "Don't worry, I won't be too hard on you Kaoru." He said more to himself than to her. Then he followed in her direction quietly out the door.

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Disclaimer: Site created by the ExK no Tenshi-tachi. Enishi, Kaoru & other Rurouni Kenshin characters belong to Watsuki Nobuhiro-sensei, Sony, and Shonen Jump. The rest are products of the webdominatrices' imagination. Please don't sue us. We're very poor.