The Enishi & Kaoru Project
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Affiliates: The Sheath :: The Crouching Tiger's Realm

You Know You Love Enishi and Kaoru Too Much When..

1. You are on the constant lookout for Enishi & Kaoru fandom.

2. You do that everyday in the hope that something new comes up, or that a current site is updated.

3. Despite a busted computer and the discomfort of surfing in public places, sitting next to rabid Counterstrike fans (not anymore, Thank God).

4. Seeing that the results are painfully few, you decide to make your own site.

5. Despite the tiny handicap of not knowing anything whatsoever about HTML, Javascript or the like.

6. You reread RK just to think of ways to rewrite it with Enishi as the central character whom Kaoru falls in love with.

7. You are annoyed that Tomoe is killed off even before the series begins because it means that Kenshin will be a widower and peace-loving rurouni when Kaoru meets him.

8. You realize that you can't be too annoyed because if Tomoe hadn't died, Enishi and Kaoru wouldn't meet.

9. Because of this, a shrine to Tomoe's ghost is in the works.

10.  You tell RK fans unfamiliar with the volume 28 of the manga that it ended with Enishi and Kaoru eloping, leaving Kenshin to languish in the village of outsiders.

11. You couldn't care less whether the grown up Enishi is animated or not because he will never end up with Kaoru anyway, even in the anime/OAV. (He is, He is! For more info, click here)

12. You change your mind upon realizing the loads of video clips you could be getting (and reworking). [Ooooh. Kaoru in a bathrobe talking to Enishi on the breakfast patio!!!]

13. You dislike Aoshi because he remembered the little known technique of making puppets out of body parts, thus disclosing that Kaoru is alive and with Enishi. (Couldn't they have just been left in peace?)

14. You cosplay as Kaoru, in the hopes of snagging an Enishi, thus bringing to fruition the Enishi and Kaoru love story.

15. Your well-meaning boyfriend, seeing that you're decked in Kaoru gear, cosplays as Kenshin.

16. You dump said boyfriend.

17. You are on the constant lookout for fortune telling games/techniques that prove Enishi and Kaoru are made for each other.

18. Doing all these things effectively douse your chances of graduating on schedule.

19. You feel it's worth the extra semester/s.

20. You email people you don't know and ask them to visit your site.

21.  You're one of those people and you actually do! ^_^ (Arigatou, minna-san!!!)

22. You hate the Kenshin and Kaoru pairing.

23. You start to like the Tomoe and Kenshin pairing for this reason.

24. Your fave fanfic ever is found on A Twist of Fate: When Enishi Meets Kaoru.

25. And you keep telling Madperson(the writer) to continue the fic.

(Nos. 22-25 from Tomoe-chan ^_^)

26. Because of the lack of fanfics, you write one yourself.

27. You write more than one.

28. You can't stop writing them even when you start finding other fics.

(Nos. 26-28 from Yasai-chan ^_^)

29. You start to draw your own EnishixKaoru doujinshi.

30. You give up all claims on Enishi so he can be with Kaoru.

31. You drop all current fanfiction projects when working on a EnishixKaoru fanfic.

(Nos. 29-31 from Cheri Belle ^_^)

32.You practically devote all your free time in updating your website.

33.You offer to design and manage a site to someone who can give ExK fanart.

34. You try to convert everyone within a 10 ft. radius into ExK fans.

35. You manage to convert some people.

36. You scour the net for some ExK goodies.

37. Even the foreign language sites.

38. You always think of them all day...

39. And at night you have dream about them.

(Nos. 38-39 from Shinta ^_^)

40. You create a free email account for all ExK fans at

41. You create an email account at

42. Even though you have the webmaster and webdominatrix addys. (hehe, shameless plug >XD)

43. You actually use said account. ^_^

44. You spend more than 70 hours updating the site and searching for ENIKAO fandom.

45. Despite the fact that you're more than 70 hours over the limit.

46. You constantly bug the managers of your fave ExK sites. (Rie-sama, we love you!)


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Disclaimer: Site created by the ExK no Tenshi-tachi. Enishi, Kaoru & other Rurouni Kenshin characters belong to Watsuki Nobuhiro-sensei, Sony, and Shonen Jump. The rest are products of the webdominatrices' imagination. Please don't sue us. We're very poor.