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Kawaii!!! Tmchan's and MnTchan's youngest cousin (Bill's brother...anou, he seems to have a lot of siblings ^^;;) paid us a visit today. Enishi seemed to have a lot of fun teaching him to do kendo. Am not sure he succeeded though, I kept hearing the kid say BANG! BANG! the entire time. It was also very amusing to see Enishi's face whenever the little boy mistook him for his dad...this happened everytime Enishi had his back turned. (Apparently, Bill's dad has hair just about as white as Enishi's) Enishi's range of expression seems to be growing by the day, this new one was a cross between astonishment and, I don't know, fear?! I felt a little sorry for TMchan's and MnTchan's cousin, I thought he'd be terribly disappointed when he realized that Enishi wasn't his dad, but he's a cheerful kid. He'd just say BANG! while waving his toy sword around, and they'd continue playing. Kawaii.^_^


It's TMchan's and MnTchan's mother's birthday today. We had three different kinds of cake and lots of spaghetti, to MnTchan's delight. (I think I'm going to learn to cook spaghetti next ^_^) Am soooo full...I feel I should practice extra hard tomorrow. 


Turns out Black Hawk Down wasn't showing yet, so we decided to watch Ocean's Eleven instead. Enishi came along with us, insisting that it wasn't a girl's night out anymore since we weren't going to swoon over that actor who played Legolas anyway. Although TMchan and MnTchan brought him along grudgingly, they seemed happy enough that he was there when it was time to line up for seats (it was a guaranteed seats thing) and he intimidated an entire group of friends into giving up their seats for us. We had the best seats in the house, I think.^_^ 


I'm really very sorry I don't get to update often. There's always a long line at the laptop, and they seem to have more important things to do so I let them use it first. I try to make up for it by writing longer entries when I havent updated in a while. Like now.

Viewed my gustbook recently. I'm so happy to know that people actually read and even enjoy our blogs.^_^ Shinta-chan, you'll be happy to know that Enishi and I still get to practice our kendo. Together even!^_^ Starting today, at least. See, we have this problem with space in TMchan and MnTchan's house; there's a little bit of garden we can use, but it's filled with their mom's beautiful orchids. It would be such a shame if they got ruined. Also, Enishi gets a bit irritated with TMchan's and MnTchan's pet parrot's constant squawking and meowing; he says that damned parrot has an identity crisis.

To continue my story, TMchan's cousin (Bill the Graphics Guy's sister) suggested we go to this nearby mall's parking lot early in the morning and practice there. She and TMchan used to jog there before they got too lazy. Anyway, Enishi and I went there this morning. It was nice to have all that space to practice in.^_^ We didn't want to disturb the joggers so we decided to stay near the kickboxers instead. It looks like we impressed them since they stopped training and watched us instead.

After practice we decided to have brunch in the mall since it was already open by then. Enishi got a bit grumpy though, since he had to surrender his sword to the guards while we ate. Am happy to report that Enishi said my pancakes taste better.^_^


